S01 E30 - Choosing Joy with Brittany & Trevor Frank — Mormon Marriages

S01 E30 - Choosing Joy with Brittany & Trevor Frank


“Optimism looks like crying in my bed and having my husband hold me and comfort me for hours as I cry myself to sleep, but waking up the next day and still moving forward. It’s acknowledging the bad and the hard things that happen in life, but then to go on and choose to look for the good... That’s true optimism for me.”
— Brittany Fisher Frank

About Our Guests

Trevor & Brittany Frank

Photo Credit Kylee Ann Photography

In March of 2012, Brittany Fisher Frank was involved in a rappelling accident in which she fell 80-100 feet. The injuries she sustained from the fall left her paralyzed from the waist down.

After her accident, she had many concerns including the worry of what dating what be like. But, when she met Trevor, he jumped right in - loading her wheelchair into his car on their first date!

Though living with a disability comes with many challenges and difficulties, Trevor & Brittany share with us how they move forward in their marriage and in their lives with optimism, faith, and joy.

Trevor and Brittany have been married for 3 years, and are the parents of an adorable little boy and the cutest dog.

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The incredible photos on this site were generously donated by the incredibly Talented Scott Jarvie. Hire him for your wedding or purchase his beautiful book, Mormon Temples in America.